Sunday 16 October 2016


Money and Time these only two constraints which can lead the world of business if manage beautifully .But problem with most of the businessmen i am just taking the name of businessmen they can be any proffeshional who running his entrepreneurship Basic problem is the same .Here who are doctors ,school teachers ,engineers ,and small enterprises every one trying to give their best just to grow their business but only thing in which they are lacking behind their approach towards marketing.Marketing how help always i am sharing you example of  a doctor who always having very busy schedule now here hospital want to be a brand but Doctor is busy in daily routine so in hurry they recruit Relationship executives and start to send them in nearby villages to doing campaigning  they also doing activities of  banners pamplet and lots of other things but why the results are not coming in a proper way only reason behind it they require proper Marketing Mix approch now in above case Doctor does not understand the  Route approach of Brand Positioning as his Experience its not linked with the Marketing and his team know this better every team needs traning which leads development .Now question arise why doctor or hospital cannot  hire a proffeshional for to make marketing channel smoother reply to this question they are saving money and saving time  in their sense IS IT REALLY  My Dear Friends Marketing is a life just think by heart it will give you what you dont have till date.


Saturday 24 September 2016



Growth is link with continuous efforts and research here knowledge require continuous action ,implementation sometime you feel you on right track sometime not but continuous walking to your Goal require focused approach growth.Now first you need to understand your business completely its require daily routine efforts let understand this with example of a play school .play school basically motherly care center now here competition is very high how a initially start school can survive in this environment it is a very big question but here i am going to share you methods of crack this competition school needs to first decide there budget i am talking BUDGET suppose your invested capital 10 lac now you needs to take 20%  as your Marketing Budget that should be segregated month on month Now start activity which is not link with children attraction but its only a different activity which creates Noise use social media as much you can Here one basic thing about using social media its require daily presence by any mean even you can just post wishing messages here everyone noticed you if you post your self researched ARTICALS  about parenting or any other topic related to children development but its needs full hearted efforts but beginners have great excuse time nahi milta but i am very much sure this activity can hitted right target only you need to do some efforts for your artical beginners feel this activity is slow but when you have 20 above post and you will find lots of peoples who start liking your thoughts and some new groups also get in touch now your brand value is creating target for 100 post's invite groups make new friends NOW what will you writing its drive your play school branding in thousands of the followers this is will dramatically change your school hight in this competition BUT MY FRIENDS RUN FOR GROWTH require efforts leave excuses and blaming when you try to blame somebody you really miss the chance of learning BLAME YOURSELF THEN RUN FOR GROWTH WILL START...I WILL come back with some different ideas of Marketing till date USE above  method you will find the difference.


Sunday 28 August 2016

why Marketing is a breathe for any Business.

Marketing concerned with why always why its breathe for business you can just think.

                        Why Marketing is a Breathe For Any Business.

I have visited number of the clients till date of my life i always face one simple question from client side why marketing is a need of business we don't require marketing as we have already doing good but when we doing deep discussion with client the truth comes they really require marketing one of my client he is having his skin care which is link with beauty of skin now he have done all things of marketing which in his sense marketing he used tools of marketing but how when why for whom they need to use they are not perfect in that sense now the footsteps having very less .
Now the question why i am discussing this in my blog its only because i want just share with you that Marketing is a continuous process not just you do for a certain time and you will get results its require  patience and continuous efforts of new ideas research how to make product a brand.
people always think marketing is normal thing which we can do by their own yes they are right they can use marketing tools but how to use them in a perfect way its requires lot of experience .Same thing happen with my above mentioned client now he have fed up with instruments related with marketing this is because they don't know how to use these in a designed way .Now he can not take risk or you can say he thinks everything is useless client will come by their own wish its really true but how a client motivate himself to come client place its only require correct continuous complete effort its call Marketing .Marketing is Breathe for business believe it or not when you have real experience then only you able to know the POWER OF Marketing.

Sunday 7 August 2016

Preschool Needs Core Marketing.

   Preschool Needs Core Marketing  as competition is High in the Air try to feel this if you can.

                              Preschool Needs Core Marketing  

Preschool need to explore core marketing as in today's scenario it's difficult for new players as well as experienced ones how to sustain and this all depends on your marketing effort's that based on Research.Tradinational marketing and modern marketing ways need to club in every parameter both should be hand in hand for positioned your product in to your targeted client preschool are running foundation built program but they need to be more focused on their marketing efforts preschool should be more focus on their USP while marketing as their are similar facilities all competitor are providing now question arise how one can sustain and perform day by day in this competition here i am sharing some different ways for Branding and Re-branding be more focused on child's development .Franchises working under companies business model and they have similar pattern for everyone only language is different for different locations basic are the same now we need to create our own USP that should be earned its can not be create in imagination its need hard efforts which linked with Personalized approach Personalized approach its just not a line of words it have all means Parents will be your brand ambassador if you crate this USP . word of mouth is spreading like anything just to boost your Personalized approach mix it with Marketing it can create wonders you needs to holds the hands of marketing that should be link with web and traditional both.Imagine a customer who are going online and want to chek about your school and in top ten and twenty school your name was not there now this customer going to slip on other school and that will be going to be your loss as you don't have website which is your virtual address and that if suppose site is there but if it is not optimized it will be not showing on front page which customer is searching so optimization should be their which need regular efforts. Traditional  marketing today need be more specific pamphlet you design that should be more target clients based Banner Hoardings should be more shining colour if you can have Radium based coloring that can be create more help in positioned your product banners pamphlet hoardings should be more informative and attached with psychological heating quotes  which will motivate your client for giving a call or email to you for inquiry  that might be your lead some more important things about this HOT Topic i will share in my next blog  ..............?

Tuesday 2 August 2016

How Marketing Make Difference

Marketing making difference all the time its truly a psychological imagine the things
Marketing implement it.

              How  Marketing Make Difference. 

 Marketing  make difference all the time you take any example here are number of the yogi who performing yoga but only one or two peoples who highly competitive their knowledge can be similar
with others but only thing which is really making difference that perfectly using marketing techniques on right time here one question arise that marketing what these out performing people doing here only answer this question just high your volume be a showman its really truly speaking "Joh Dikhta Hai Woh Bikta Hai"and all these tricks which is making difference it's only the power of imagination which is directly linked with marketing..Think about  your client how he will really understand what you trying to say you need to just understand the approach of your client and you will get an idea like what above performing yogi are doing.

Conclusion - Marketing always making difference if timely managed with efforts just understand the
problem and this problem will be opportunity for you to here.

Sunday 31 July 2016

How To Market your Product in a Smart Way.

Your Solution how you can market your product which can be anything it is very easy first you should have understanding of the product which you going to market that's  how you can market your product in a smart way.

Marketing Mix

How To Market your Product in a Smart Way.

I means here numbers of the clients who interacting with you in form  of your product just to understanding the way of marketing first pick your interesting area like some of you or me have habit of cooking and you made any thing very tasty and yummy even peoples have talked about the same ,Here your concept for something is clear but how to reach to your targeted clients it is sometime getting you confused for this you need to make list of your near friends and inform them and also inviting them
for house party just to launching your recipe and tell your friends or dears ones that you are launching recipe and one particular day and everyone needs to  bring their friends with them this way any one doing their branding my believe which tested and tried she or he will get good results of there efforts sure. 
Contact to me Click Here


Above post is about how to market your product in a smart way understanding the concept  of smart way of marketing  your product .like above given example of Recipe of a simple individual whose concepts of recipe have cleared but how to market it not so simple for him or her.

Sunday 28 February 2016

Way to brand easy

when you find yourself in confusion how to establish your brand in the market then you really searching for number of the ways like print media electronic media etc.but still you are not very much sure about the favorable results of your brand presence.easy way to brand your product is only lies how much your product satisfy the need of customer ,customer need in my mean customer or society problem If you want to get recognized in the world of branding then just see the immediate problem of customer whether he is really can link his need with your product or your product is really satisfy his need .Branding means easy way to establish a relationship between customer and product it's a beautiful chemistry if you want it's drive like a river free flow then you need to on time to time update your brand and branding strategy  it's require only your genuine efforts nothing more strategy you make as simple as you can make cause branding it is just an easy approach to customer need let's take example of bio gas this is a need of customer without it nothing is possible to eatble. biogas is bestest way to satisfy need of individiual suppose you be service provider for biogas plant installation then you will be in the profits but here is you are knowing customer need now how to approach them for your product and services it's require segmentvise strategy about that share you soon.